Residential Fire Safety Systems

Ottauquechee Plumbing & Heating is aligned with Uponor for our fire safety systems. A sprinkler system can provide you with the following advantages.


An upgrade option that saves you money and can reduce your insurance rates.


Uponor PEX-a tubing resists corrosion. Without soldered joints, it’s virtually leak-proof.


Sprinklers put out most fires seconds before the fire department arrives and before significant damage.


The tubing behind the Uponor AQUASAFE System comes with a 25-year limited warranty when installed by an Uponor-trained professional.

Fire Safety Systems


Sprinklers respond to heat, not smoke, and draw water from your main cold water line. The odds of a malfunction are just one in 16 million.


While smoke detectors alone increase survival rates by 50%, adding sprinklers increases that to 97%.